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The heart of our church is to experience the presence of God and bring honor and glory to His name. We offer ministry to all ages. Our church desires to love people and be there for one another at all times.

Come do life with us!


What We Do

Love God

Weekly Services-

God wants to know us personally.  More than just practicing religion, He wants a relationship with us.  Our services are where we focus on that relationship.

Love People

Small Groups-

God uses people to help us find freedom on this journey of life.  Connecting with others in Oasis Small Groups is an enjoyable way to find that kind of life-changing community.

Serve Others

Join a Team-

This is God's ultimate plan for our life--to make a difference in the lives of others.  When we do, the Bible tells us we will experience joy.  Our hope is that every Oasis' member will connect with a team and live out their calling.  



The Holy Bible

Jesus Christ

The Holy Spirit


The Holy Bible is the

inspired, authoritative Word

of God. It is the only authority

in determining all doctorinal

truths. It is inerrant and

everlasting. (2 Timothy 3:16,

2 Peter1:20-21, Proverbs 30:5)

Jesus is the Son of God.

He was conceived of the

Holy Spirit and born of a virgin.

Jesus lived a sinless life. He

was crucified, buried, and

resurrected from the dead, He

ascended into Heaven and will

return again in glory and power.

(John 1:1,14, 20:28, 1 Timothy 3:16,

Isiah 9:6, Philippians 2:5-11)

It is by grace through faith in

Jesus Christ, that we are saved.

Salvation cannot be achieved

through good works: it is a gift

from God. (Ephesians 2:8-9,

Romans 10:9-10, Acts 16:31,

Hebrews 9:22)

We believe the Holy Spirit

guides believers in all truth

and exalts Christ. The power of

the Holy Spirit makes us more

effective in witnessing. The nine

fruits of the Spirit are given to build

up the body. These gifts operate in

harmony with the scriptures and must

be exercised in an orderly way.

(Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-4, 1 Corinthians

12:1-11,31, 14:1, 26-33) 

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